
class NoCoLoggerImpl(val name: String, val loggerContextItems: EventItems = mapOf()) : CoroutineScope, NoCoLogger

Standard implementation of NoCoLogger.


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constructor(name: String, loggerContextItems: EventItems = mapOf())


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Context in which this logger will launch coroutines

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open override val loggerContextItems: EventItems

context items belonging to this logger

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open override val name: String

logger name


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open fun debug(event: Any?)
open fun debug(event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun debug(template: String, vararg values: Any?)
open fun debug(message: String, items: EventItems)
open fun debug(throwable: Throwable, event: Any?)
open fun debug(throwable: Throwable, event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun debug(message: String, throwable: Throwable, items: EventItems)
open fun debug(throwable: Throwable, template: String, vararg values: Any?)
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open override fun e(template: String, vararg values: Any?): LogEvent

Construct a LogEvent from a template and values.

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open override fun emitEvent(level: Level, throwable: Throwable?, event: Any?, contextItems: EventItems)

Emit an event to be dispatched and sent.

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open fun error(event: Any?)
open fun error(event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun error(template: String, vararg values: Any?)
open fun error(message: String, items: EventItems)
open fun error(throwable: Throwable, event: Any?)
open fun error(throwable: Throwable, event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun error(message: String, throwable: Throwable, items: EventItems)
open fun error(throwable: Throwable, template: String, vararg values: Any?)
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open fun eventFrom(context: String? = null, level: Level, throwable: Throwable? = null, eventObject: Any? = null, contextItems: EventItems = mapOf()): LogEvent

Construct a LogEvent from a range of types.

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open fun fatal(event: Any?)
open fun fatal(event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun fatal(template: String, vararg values: Any?)
open fun fatal(message: String, items: EventItems)
open fun fatal(throwable: Throwable, event: Any?)
open fun fatal(throwable: Throwable, event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun fatal(message: String, throwable: Throwable, items: EventItems)
open fun fatal(throwable: Throwable, template: String, vararg values: Any?)
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open fun info(event: Any?)
open fun info(event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun info(template: String, vararg values: Any?)
open fun info(message: String, items: EventItems)
open fun info(throwable: Throwable, event: Any?)
open fun info(throwable: Throwable, event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun info(message: String, throwable: Throwable, items: EventItems)
open fun info(throwable: Throwable, template: String, vararg values: Any?)
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Is this logger enabled to emit DEBUG events?

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Is this logger enabled to emit ERROR events?

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Is this logger enabled to emit FATAL events?

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Is this logger enabled to emit INFO events?

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open fun isLevelEnabled(level: Level): Boolean

Check whether this logger will emit log events at the specified logging level.

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Is this logger enabled to emit TRACE events?

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Is this logger enabled to emit WARN events?

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open fun log(level: Level, event: Any?)
open fun log(level: Level, event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun log(level: Level, template: String, vararg values: Any?)
open fun log(level: Level, throwable: Throwable, event: Any?)
open fun log(level: Level, throwable: Throwable, event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun log(level: Level, throwable: Throwable, template: String, vararg values: Any?)

open fun log(level: Level, message: String, items: EventItems)

Log an event with a message and an explicit set of items.

open fun log(level: Level, throwable: Throwable, message: String, items: EventItems)

Log an event with an associated throwable, a message and an explicit set of items.

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open fun minLevel(): Level

Minimum level at which to emit log events, determined from current configuration.

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open fun trace(event: Any?)
open fun trace(event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun trace(template: String, vararg values: Any?)
open fun trace(message: String, items: EventItems)
open fun trace(throwable: Throwable, event: Any?)
open fun trace(throwable: Throwable, event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun trace(message: String, throwable: Throwable, items: EventItems)
open fun trace(throwable: Throwable, template: String, vararg values: Any?)
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open fun warn(event: Any?)
open fun warn(event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun warn(template: String, vararg values: Any?)
open fun warn(message: String, items: EventItems)
open fun warn(throwable: Throwable, event: Any?)
open fun warn(throwable: Throwable, event: NoCoLogger.() -> Any?)
open fun warn(message: String, throwable: Throwable, items: EventItems)
open fun warn(throwable: Throwable, template: String, vararg values: Any?)