
Logging configuration with a logger name match and a list of level ranges that maps to a list of sinks for each.


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fun atLevel(level: Level, configBlock: LevelRange.() -> Unit)

DSL function to specify a specific level at which to log.

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fun exactLogger(exactName: String, stopOnMatch: Boolean = false)

DSL function to specify that logger names should match this name exactly.

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fun fromLoggerBase(baseName: String, stopOnMatch: Boolean = false)

DSL function to specify that logger names should match from the specified base name.

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fun fromMinLevel(minLevel: Level, configBlock: LevelRange.() -> Unit)

DSL function to specify the minimum level from which to log.

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fun inLevelRange(minLevel: Level, maxLevel: Level, configBlock: LevelRange.() -> Unit)

DSL function to specify an inclusive range of levels at which to log.

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fun matchLogger(pattern: String, stopOnMatch: Boolean = false)

DSL function to specify that logger names should match this regular expression pattern.

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fun toMaxLevel(maxLevel: Level, configBlock: LevelRange.() -> Unit)

DSL function to specify the maximum level at which to log.

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fun toSink(sinkName: String)

DSL function to specify a sink where events for all logging levels should be sent.