Package-level declarations

Sending rendered log events to sinks.

Sending rendered log events to sinks.

Sending rendered log events to sinks.


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data class ElkEndpoint(val url: String, val checkCertificate: String = "true")

Model of an ELK server endpoint

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data class Endpoint(val host: String = "localhost", val port: Int = 12201)

Model of a Graylog server endpoint.

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interface EventSender

Interface for sending log events somewhere.

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interface SendString

Interface used for sending a string to a target somewhere.

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data class SplunkEndpoint(val hecUrl: String, val hecToken: String, val index: String? = null, val sourceType: String? = null, val source: String? = null, val checkCertificate: String = "true")

Model of a Splunk server HEC endpoint.


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expect val STDERR: SendString

Send an event rendered as a string to the standard error stream.

actual val STDERR: SendString
actual val STDERR: SendString
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Send an event rendered as a string to the standard output stream.


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suspend fun <E> receiveBatch(channel: ReceiveChannel<E>, maxTimeMillis: Long, maxSize: Int): List<E>

Receive a batch of items from a channel, up to time and batch size limits.

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Convert a RenderString and SendString into an EventSender.

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fun splunkServer(hecUrl: String, hecToken: String, checkCertificate: Boolean = true): SendString

Creates a SendString function that sends an event string to a Splunk server using the HTTP Event Collector (HEC) API.