Package-level declarations

LogContext class for storing information in a coroutine scope.


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object Context

Object for configuring context information that will be included in log events.

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typealias ContextItem = Pair<String, Any?>

Type alias for an item in a context.

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typealias ItemExtractor = () -> EventItems

Functional type that returns a map of context items.

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Container for objects to be stored in coroutine contexts and used in logging.


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suspend fun addToContext(vararg items: ContextItem)

Adds zero or more items to the LogContext in the current coroutine scope.

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suspend fun logContext(vararg items: ContextItem): CoroutineContext

Utility function for constructing a LogContext with specified items.

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suspend fun removeFromContext(vararg keys: String)

Removes zero or more items from the LogContext in the current coroutine scope.

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suspend fun <R> withLogContext(vararg items: ContextItem, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> R): R

Utility function that stores items into a LogContext in the current coroutine scope.